Two years ago – exactly two years, because we were in Edinburgh on the last day of the festival – Hannah told
me she wanted to make a show about her dad. We’ve been working on it ever
We can’t express how happy we are
that So It Goes has entertained and moved people. We’re delighted that a show which is so
personal has had such a universal resonance.
Nowhere but Edinburgh would an unknown company like us have the chance
to share their work with the kinds of audiences we have enjoyed.
For a long time On The Run was just
Hannah and me, scratching our heads and wondering if we’d ever pull this
off. More recently, we’ve been lucky to
have an amazing team around us, so thanks to our Designer Emma, our
long-suffering Stage Manager Lucy, Lighting-Designer-and-more Celia, champion
Flyerers Charlotte, Katie and Nikki, Simon The Godfather and the remarkable
Nancy Poole. We couldn’t have done it
without you.
Please stay tuned to this blog,
our website and our Twitter feed for news about So It Goes and
On The Run.
Finally, A Big Hand For The Audience. Really.